Pictures gallery of Dimocarpus longan fruits
Longan Dimocarpus longan Our Tropical Garden

Longan (Dimocarpus longan syn. Euphoria longan) is a tropical edible fruit in the soapberry family Sapindaceae, native to South and Southeast Asia.
Tropical fruits Longan Hein Bijlmakers Home Page

Basic information of Longan fruit tree (Dimocarpus longan) with some photos.

A website about growing your own fruit. Longan Dimocarpus. (From Greek dimorphos, two-formed, and Karpos, fruit.)

Longan - Dimocarpus longan; Useful Links - Varieties and Culture. How to Improve Fruit Size on Longan. Fertilizer and Watering During Longan Fruit Development .
tropicalfruitveg About Longan

Longan (Dimocarpus longan) Other Names: Guiyuan, Dragon's eye Description: The longan tree is erect, 9-12 m in height and 14 m in width, with rough-barked trunk to 70
Longan Dimocarpus longana Trade Winds Fruit Tropical Fruit

Often considered the poorer cousin of the illustrious lychee, the longan is very popular in its own right. Fruits vary in size, but are usually about the size of a
YUMMY ~DRAGON EYE~ LONGAN Tropical FRUIT Tree Dimocarpus longan

YUMMY ~DRAGON EYE~ LONGAN Tropical FRUIT Tree Dimocarpus longan LIVE SEEDLING in Home & Garden, Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living, Flowers, Trees & Plants

LONGAN (Dimocarpus longan) A tree of longan . Family: Sapindaceae . Synonyms: Euphoria longana, Nephelium longana.
Sapindaceae World Agroforestry Centre TRANSFORMING LIVES AND

Dimocarpus longan Sapindaceae Lour. Detail of fruits and leaves. (Choo W.K.) Relative of the commercial longan - Dimocarpos longan sp. malesianus var.
Longan Ask Dr. Mao The Natural Health Search Engine

Latin name: Dimocarpus longan Chinese name: long yan rou What is Longan? Longan is a species of a fruit-bearing tree native to Southern China and also distributed in
Title : Dimocarpus longan fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Dimocarpus longan fruits Longan Dimocarpus longan Our Tropical Garden Longan (Dimocarpus longan s...