Pictures gallery of Lampone fruits

Luxardo Lampone (Raspberry) fruit syrup, ideal for: smoothes, cocktails, over crushed ice, cold drinks or over ice-cream.
raspberry Wiktionary

The juicy, dark red (when ripe) composite fruit of this plant. A dark pinkish red, the colour of a ripe raspberry. Italian: lampone
ZapItalian Italian Vocabulary Fruit / Le Frute

passion fruit: il frutto della passione: peach: la pesca: pear: la pera: pineapple: l'ananas (fem) plum: la prugna: raspberry: il lampone: strawberry: la fragola:
Maracuya Sour Cocktail Passion Fruit Pisco Sour Recipe for

The maracuya sour is a delicious variation of the famous pisco sour cocktail. It's made with passion fruit juice instead of lime juice.
Fruits Raspberry Hein Bijlmakers Home Page

Lampone : Family: Rosaceae: Order: Rosales: Origin: Europe and north Asia. Distribution: Evergreen or deciduous: Fruits develop on biennial stems in the second year.
Apples with Raspberry Sauce / Mele con le Salsa di Lampone

SERVES 8 TO 10 Going through the Mercato Centrale in Florence and admiring the variety of fruits and vegetables conjures up all kinds of ideas that I am eager to try
raspberry Dizionario inglese-italiano WordReference

(fruit) lampone m. colloq. (noise) to blow a ~ fare una pernacchia; modif. [ice cream] al lampone; [jam, tart] di lamponi; ~ cane (pianta del) lampone.
Italian Vocabulary Fruits Vegetables

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES / LA FRUTA E LA VERDURA . ENGLISH: ITALIAN : almond. il lampone. spinach. gli spinaci. strawberry. la fragola. tomato. il pomodoro. watermelon.

The raspberry is the edible fruit of a multitude of plant species in the genus Rubus of the Rose family, most of which are in the subgenus Idaeobatus ; the name also

Lampone. La coltivazione nel clima ideale, accanto ad una sapiente tecnica colturale fanno in modo che il lampone Aurorafruit sia sempre al massimo livello
Title : Lampone fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Lampone fruits LUXARDO SYRUPS ITALIAN IMPORTED FOODS Luxardo Lampone (Raspberry) fruit syrup, ide...