Pictures gallery of Broodboom fruits
encephalartos ferox PlantZAfrica Homepage
They are relished by many animals (baboons, vervet monkeys, dassies, fruit-eating bats) and birds (a The Afrikaans name for cycads ("broodboom")
fruitfacts Breadfruit
Breadfruit is of course a fruit though it is used (tree); Portuguese, fruta pao, or pao de massa; Dutch, broodvrucht (fruit), broodboom (tree). InVenezuela it
Where would be the best place to grow breadfruit in the United States?
Its name is derived from the texture of the cooked fruit, (tree); Portuguese, fruta pao, or pao de massa; Dutch, broodvrucht (fruit), broodboom (tree
Aucuba broodboom als wintergroene sierheester en geschikt als
Aucuba of broodboom: sierheester als wintergroene haag of solitair - snoeien, Fruit: Gazon: Groenten: Kamerplanten: Knollen en bollen: Kruiden: Kuipplanten: Orchidee:
How to grow care for your cycas revoluta Plantzone
This is a practical guide to cycas revoluta growing and caring.
Artocarpus incisa Global Crops Database Hein Bijlmakers Home Page
Scientific Artocarpus altilis Synonym Artocarpus communis Artocarpus incisa English Breadfruit Breadnut Dutch Broodboom Broodvrucht Spanish The fruits are sometimes eaten
Cycad Society SA Encephalartos ferox
Tongaland Broodboom (Afr but not very common plant which had stems "as thick as a human torso" and bore amongst its leaves "several fruits similar
Artocarpus altilis media Commons
Paprastasis duonmedis · Māori: Kuru · Na Vosa Vakaviti: Uto · Nederlands: Broodboom Leaves and fruit of Artocarpus altilis at Hawai'i.
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sukun, kelur, timbul, fruta pao, pao de massa, broodvrucht, broodboom, suku, kulur, kelor, kulor, sa-ke, ulu The fruit is a source of vitamins A and B
FRUITSOF Welcome to College of Tropical Agriculture Human
Dutch, broodvrucht(fruit), broodboom(tree). In Vene zuela it maybe called pan de ano, pan de todo el ano, 50 Moraceae pandepalo, pande name, topdn, or tupan; in Guate
Title : Broodboom fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Broodboom fruits encephalartos ferox PlantZAfrica Homepage They are relished by many animals (bab...