Pictures gallery of Albero del pane fruits
albero Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference

fruit: windfall : frutto dell'albero del pane nm: breadfruit : grande albero: big tree : inseguire un orso (rifugiato su di un albero) v: to tree a bear: tree :
Langka / Artocarpus Heterophyllus / Jack frui / Mu bo luot

ITALIAN: Falso albero del pane. JAPANESE: Nagami pannoki, Paramitsu. KANNADA: Halasina hannu, Halasu, Panasero. Fruit is green to greenish-yellow when ripe
National Tropical Botanical Garden Tropical Plant Research

Fruit are typically mature and ready to cook and eat as a starchy staple in 15-19 weeks. rata del (Sri Lanka) rimas (Philippines) shelisheli (Tanzania)
breadfruit definition of breadfruit by the Free Online

n pl-fruits, -fruit. 1. n → frutto dell'albero del pane. Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page,
Tropical fruits Breadfruit Hein Bijlmakers Home Page

Albero del pane: Other: Sukun : Family: Moraceae: Order: Rosales: Origin: Fruits are round or ovoid and measure 15-20 cm long and about 20 cm in diameter.
Rome shopping. Shops in Rome Italy Europe Travel Europe

Albero del Pane; Type: Food Address: Via Santa Maria del Pianto 19/20: Natural breads, cheeses and home-made cakes, organic fruits and vegetables 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7:
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The fruit is a source of vitamins A and B Masa pan, Arbre a pain, Arvore do pao, Fruta pao, Albero del pane, Brotbaum, Saake, Sakee, Sa-ke, Sukun, Rimas, Uto
The Breadfruit Figs. 52 53 Artocarpus Communis Forst.

The ripe fruit, which is composed of the matured ovaries of these female flowers, is round or oval in form, the Italian albero del pane;
Organic shops in Rome

Albero del Pane: Health food shop: organic food, vitamins, herbs, shampoos, soaps, cosmetics, dried and fresh foods, including cereals, pasta, seasonal veg and fruits
M.M.P.N.D. Sorting Artocarpus names frontpage

ITALIAN : Falso albero del pane. Kerala boat-builders' tree, Wild jack-fruit tree. FRENCH : Jacquier de l'Inde, Jacquier hirsute. HINDI : Vadahar.
Title : Albero del pane fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Albero del pane fruits albero Dizionario italiano-inglese WordReference fruit: windfall : frutto ...