Pictures gallery of Punica granatum fruits
Pomegranates Punica granatum
Pomegranates (Punica granatum)Mythological fruits related to the Goddess of spring, Persephone and the story of the changing seasons. Very ornamental small trees
Granada Punica granatum also called Pomegranate maya
The pomegranate apparently is little esteemed in Central America, being unable to compete in quality with numerous excellent tropical and temperate fruits.
19 Punica granatum Linn
Parmar, C. and M.K. Kaushal. 1982. Punica granatum. p. 74–77. In: Wild Fruits. Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi, India.
Punica granatum Pomegranate An antioxidant goldmine! Adaptations
Many animals enjoy consuming the fruit and leaves of this tree. The To find out how Punica granatum utilizes leaves, visit NUTRITION.
Punica granatum Pomegranate An antioxidant goldmine
Punica granatum is involved in relationships with numerous other species in its Alternaria sp. is known to attack Punica granatum, causing rot within the fruit.
Punica granatum Pomegranate TopTropicals
This famous fruit had been always considered to be among the most valuable of ornamental and medicinal plants. Punica granatum "Noshi Shibari" (flowering)
Fruit Extract of Punica granatum Used as a Natural Indicator in
Punica granatum is a species of the genus Punica, belonging to the family Lythraceae.[1] The present study reported the use of Punica granatum flower extract as an
L. Punica granatum World Agroforestry Centre TRANSFORMING
Punica granatum Punicaceae L. pomegranate, anar Fruits and leaves. (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA) Detail of fruits and flowers. (Morton J.) LOCAL NAMES
Evergreen Gardenworks Descriptive Catalog Punica Pyracantha
Punica granatum (Flowering Pomegranate) The fruit is sweet without as much acid as older edible cultivars. 2 3/4 INCH POTS $8 . DWARF AND SEMI-DWARF POMEGRANATE
Punica granatum Meet the Plants National Tropical Botanical
Punica granatum L. Kingdom: Plantae-Plants The fruit was used in many ways as it is today and was featured in Egyptian mythology and art,
Title : Punica granatum fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Punica granatum fruits Pomegranates Punica granatum Pomegranates (Punica granatum)Mythological fr...