Pictures gallery of Diospyros discolor fruits
Diospyros Ebony Persimmon Star-apple Jackal-berry genus

Diospyros discolor (Butter-fruit, Mabola) Native to the Philippines. Diospyros ebenaster. Native to Central America. Diospyros kaki (Chinese persimmon
Tropical fruits Velvet apple Hein Bijlmakers Home Page

Diospyros blancoi: Synonym: Diospyros discolor: English: Velvet apple Mabolo Kamagong The fruits are eaten fresh after removing the skin, or can be used to make juice.
The Mabolo Diospyros Discolor Willd. ChestofBooks Read

Like the durian and the santol, the mabolo is a Malayan fruit little known outside its native area. It is a medium-sized tree with oblong-acute leaves 4 to 8 inches
Diospyros. Henriette's Herbal Homepage

Diospyros discolor Willd. This is the sapota negro, with small, black, edible fruit. Diospyros pentamera Woods & F. Muell. Gray Plum. Eastern tropical Australia.
Velvet Apple Mabolo Diospyros blancoi Diospyros discolor

Very beautiful dark red to purple colored fruit with velvet-like skin. Fruit is about the size of an apple, with mildly sweet flavored, somewhat mealy, flesh.
Diospyros blancoi Diospyros discolor Velvet Apple Mabolo

Diospyros blancoi, Diospyros discolor Family: Ebenaceae Velvet Apple, Mabolo Fruit is about the size of an apple, with mildly sweet flavored, somewhat mealy, flesh.
Velvet Apple Fruit Facts Health Benefits 101 Mabolo 101

Facts About Velvet Apple The velvet apple or mabolo, which scientific name is called Diospyros discolor or Diospyros blancoi is an evergreen tree indigenous to the
Velvet Apple Diospyros Discolor Daleys Nursery Fruit Nut

Velvet Apple Diospyros Discolor. Buy Velvet Apple. Very beautiful dark red to purple coloured fruit with velvet-like skin. Fruit is about the size of an apple, with

Diospyros discolor Ebenaceae. The fruit is round, fleshy, edible, densely covered with golden-brown hair, and about 10 cm in diameter.
CRFG Fruit List California Rare Fruit Growers

DIOSPYROS DISCOLOR - Mabolo, Velvet Apple Chocolate Pudding Fruit A beautiful glossy-green, evergreen, landscape tree that becomes more cold tolerant as is matures.
Title : Diospyros discolor fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Diospyros discolor fruits Diospyros Ebony Persimmon Star-apple Jackal-berry genus Diospyros disco...