Pictures gallery of Annona squamosa fruits
Annona squamosa Sugar apple Custard Apple Sweetsop-Anon

Fruits with sweet custard-like pulp are from 3 to 5 inches in diameter with a lumpy green skin and 1016 Annona squamosa - Sugar Apple Sugar Apple, Custard
Annona Species Fruits that I miss

The fruit; Annona Squamosa or Sugar Apple ; The fruit; Annona Muricata or Sour Sop; The fruit; Introduction. Annona Squamosa or Sugar Apple . Annona Squamosa.
Live Sugar Apple Exotic Sweetsop Tropical Fruit Tree Annona

LIVE Sugar Apple Exotic SWEETSOP Tropical Fruit Tree Annona squamosa SEEDLING in Home & Garden, Yard, Garden & Outdoor Living, Flowers, Trees & Plants
Sugar Apple Annona squamosa Trade Winds Fruit Tropical Fruit

A small (2-4"), knobby fruit with soft, creamy white flesh often having a minty or custardy flavor. The sugar apple is extremely popular throughout the tropics
Atemoya Purdue University

The atemoya, Annona squamosa × A. cherimola, is a hybrid of the sugar apple and cherimoya, qq.v. The fruit is conical or heart-shaped, generally to 4 in
annona squamosa

Extremely popular throughout the tropics, especially where cherimoya cannot be grown. A small (2-4 "), knobby fruit with
Annona squamosa World Agroforestry Centre TRANSFORMING LIVES

Annona squamosa Annonaceae L. Sugar apple fruit (Trade winds fruit) Ripe purple sugar apple (Trade winds fruit) LOCAL NAMES Arabic (gishta); Bengali (ata); Creole
Annona squamosa Perennials Plants Bitterroot Restoration Home

Edible Parts: Fruit Life cycle: Perennial. Annona squamosa is said to show varied medicinal effects, including insecticide, antiovulatory and abortifacient.
Annona CloveGarden

Two genera, Annona and Asimina, are significant producers of edible fruit. Annona squamosa] The Sugar Apple is the most widely grown Annona species.
Destination Tropicals Atemoya Fruit Tree Annona squamosa

The atemoya, Annona squamosa x A. cherimola, is a hybrid of the sugar apple and cherimoya, qq.v. It was for many years
Title : Annona squamosa fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Annona squamosa fruits Annona squamosa Sugar apple Custard Apple Sweetsop-Anon Fruits with sweet ...