Pictures gallery of Velvet apple fruits
Velvet Apple Tree Diospyros discolor Daleys Nursery Fruit

Fruit Trees > Tropical Fruit Trees > Velvet Apple Tree VELVET APPLE TREE, Diospyros discolor. The Velvet Apple Tree is about the same size as an apple They are bright
Mabolo Diospyros blancoi Velvet Apple Philippine Herbal

Information about mabolo fruit and plant. Mabolo is used as medicine for diarrhea, dysentery, heart ailments, hypertension and diabetes.
Velvet Apple Mabolo Diospyros discolor

The Velvet Apple, native to the Philippines, is a medium-sized to large evergreen tree and makes a handsome ornamental. The fruit is usually eaten fresh,

The apple is the pomaceous fruit of the apple tree, species Malus domestica in the rose family (Rosaceae). It is one of the most widely cultivated tree fruits, and
Diospyros blancoi Diospyros discolor Velvet Apple Mabolo

Velvet Apple, Mabolo Origin: Philippines. Very beautiful dark red to purple colored fruit with velvet-like skin. Fruit is about the size of an apple,
Velvet Apple Food Facts Trivia FoodReference

The Velvet Apple or Mabolo It produces beautiful velvety reddish orange fruits about the size and shape of an apple and covered with a velvet-like skin.
Ebenaceae Diospyros blancoi velvet apple mabolo « anthropogen

Mabolo, or velvet apple is an attractive tree, closely related to the persimmon and ebony. As the English common name would suggest, the fruit is covered in a fine
Velvet Apple Fruit Facts Health Benefits 101 Mabolo 101

Velvet apple 101. All you need to know about mabolo including fruit facts, health benefits, nutritional value and calories as well as velvet apple bath recipe.
Velvet Apple Diospyros Discolor Daleys Nursery Fruit Nut

Velvet Apple Diospyros Discolor. Buy Velvet Apple. Very beautiful dark red to purple coloured fruit with velvet-like skin. Fruit is about the size of an apple, with
CRFG Fruit List California Rare Fruit Growers

DIOSPYROS DISCOLOR - Mabolo, Velvet Apple Chocolate Pudding Fruit A beautiful glossy-green, evergreen, landscape tree that becomes more cold tolerant as is matures.
Title : Velvet apple fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Velvet apple fruits Velvet Apple Tree Diospyros discolor Daleys Nursery Fruit Fruit Trees > Tr...