Pictures gallery of Ketjapi fruits
Forest Products Laboratory USDA Forest Service

kaka gros fruits: 1: kaka palla: 1: kaka suroli: 2: kaka tah: 1: kaka-tai: 1: kakaag: 1: kakabauoucou: 1: ketjapi: 7: ketjapi kera: 1: ketjubung: 1: ketjuhi: 1: ketoeh-ketoeh pajo: 1: ketoguit: 1: ketok: 1:
RecipeSource Ketjap Manis Debaat

Fruits; Fruit Salads; Pasta Salads; Pickles; Pilafs; Polenta; Potato Salads; Rice; Salads; Stuffed Vegetables; Stuffing; Vegetables ; On the Side. Beverages; Butter; Cheese; Chutneys; Condiments;
The Pharmacological Properties Of Terpenoids From Soricum Koetjape

traditional Indonesian names are ketjapi or sentool. been isolated from the S. koetjape’s fruits hulls [18] The leaves have been yielded trijugin limonoids

English: Santol Wild mangosteen Sandorica: Dutch: Santol Ketjapi: Spanish: Cut the fruit in half and spoon out the pulp. Santol seeds are inedible.
Soricum koetjape Meet the Plants National Tropical

Indonesia, ketjapi or sentool Sarawak and Brunei: klampu India: sayai, sevai, sevamanu or visayan Guam: santor The fruit is round or oval shaped,
Santol plant

De santol (Sandoricum koetjape, basioniem: Melia koetjape Burm.f.) of ketjapi is een plant uit de familie Meliaceae. Fruits of warm climates.
Sosyal Profil Ziraat Agriculture

Ketjapi Ketjapi Sandoricum koetjape Sandoricum koetjape Kirsche Kirsche Prunus avium Prunus Kivi Kiwi fruit Actinidia deliciosa Actinidia deliciosa
FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS Bungang Tanaman OoCities Geocities

(the beautiful bamboo background for this page is through the generosity of the Concepcion, Tarlac Homepage) FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS (Bungang Tanaman)
The Pharmacological Properties Of Terpenoids From Soricum

The traditional Indonesian names are ketjapi or sentool. While in Thailand it is called saton 13. Morton, J.F. (ed.) (1987) Fruits of warm climates Julia F
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Title : Ketjapi fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Ketjapi fruits Forest Products Laboratory USDA Forest Service kaka gros fruits: 1: kaka palla: 1:...