Pictures gallery of Musa spp. fruits
Effect of organic inorganic fertilizers on nutrient

concentrations in plantain (Musa spp.) fruit pulp as Musa spp. generally require high amounts of nutrients and also following the findings of FAO (1981) that soil
Effect of Mode of Ripening on Ethylene Biosynthesis during

385 Effect of Mode of Ripening on Ethylene Biosynthesis during Ripening of Diploid Banana (Musa spp.) Fruit O. Hubert1, M. Chillet2, P. Juliannus3, B. Fils-Lycaon3
Musa genus

Musa is one of three genera in the family Musaceae; it includes bananas and plantains. Fruit stalk of Musa sp. Banana flowers. M. alinsanaya R.V.Valmayor;
Musa spp. Purdue University

And outside links to more banana info: BANANA "FRUIT FACTS"—(Fruit Facts are a series of publications of the the California Rare Fruit Growers, Inc. that contain
Musa spp. banana plant taxonomy brief facts growth stages at

Musa spp., banana plant: taxonomy, brief facts, growth stages at GeoChemBio. The fruit of a banana is a berry with a leathery outer peel.

Natural Extract from Whole Fruit of Banana (Musa Spp)., whether unripe or ripe, containing mainly natural Melatonin, Serotonin, Catecholamines and its precursors
In-depth proteomic analysis of banana Musa spp. fruit with

In-depth proteomic analysis of banana (Musa spp.) fruit with combinatorial peptide ligand libraries
Cultivar Difference in Peel Blackening of Banana Musa spp

393 Cultivar Difference in Peel Blackening of Banana (Musa spp.) Fruit during Low Temperature Storage S. Promyou1 and S. Ketsa2 1Faculty of Natural Resources and Agro
Musa spp. fruit hort photo gallery

Musa spp. (Banana), fruit; full color photograph by Christopher P. Lindsey
Musa spp. Banana Environmental Horticulture Department College

Musa spp. Figure 1. Young Banana. Banana1 Fruit characteristics: does not attract wildlife; suited for human consumption; fruit, twigs, or foliage cause
Title : Musa spp. fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Musa spp. fruits Effect of organic inorganic fertilizers on nutrient concentrations in plantain ...