Pictures gallery of Pompelmoes fruits
Tropical fruits Pomelo Information About Their Origin Cost
Lusho fruit Pompelmous Shaddock: Dutch: Pompelmoes: Spanish: Pampelmusa Cimboa Pomelo: French: Pamplemousse Pamplemoussier Pomélo: German: Pampelmuse Riesenorange Adamsapfel:
Pomelo Define Pomelo at Dictionary
yellow or orange citrus fruit of a tree, Citrus maxima, of southeastern Asia. 2. [C19: from Dutch pompelmoes, perhaps from pompoen big + Portuguese limão a lemon]
tropicalfruitveg Summary of fruit
Tropical Fruits and Vegetables From Around: The World: Home; Fruits; Vegetables; Nuts; Pompelmoes, Limau abong, Chukkotru. Origin: South East Asia, Pacific Islands
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NIEUW Mangosteem, Pomegranate en Noni - drie superfruit extracten in één capsule! Mangosteen, Pomegranate (granaatappel) en Noni fruit zijn drie fruitsoorten
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De pompelmoes is een grote citrusvrucht en heeft een beetje weg van een meloen. Deze vrucht kennen we in drie verschillende kleuren: geel, roze en rood, waarvan de
grapefruit Wiktionary
(as grape + fruit, with stress on grape) Audio (US) pompelmoes; Retrieved from "http://en.wiktionary/w/index.php?title=grapefruit&oldid=18559233"
pomelos definition of pomelos by the Free Online Dictionary
[from Dutch pompelmoes, perhaps from pompoen big + Portuguese limão a lemon] pomelo - large pear-shaped fruit similar to grapefruit but with coarse dry pulp.
De bladeren van de pompelmoes zijn sterk gevleugeld, 5-20 cm lang en 2-12 cm breed. Fruit; Persoonlijke instellingen. Registreren; Aanmelden; Naamruimten. Artikel;
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pompelmo Wiktionary
From Dutch pompelmoes Noun. pompelmo m. (plural pompelmi) Fruits; it:Trees; Personal tools. Create account; Log in; Namespaces. Entry; Discussion; Variants. Views. Read;
Title : Pompelmoes fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Pompelmoes fruits Tropical fruits Pomelo Information About Their Origin Cost Lusho fruit Pompel...