Pictures gallery of Artocarpus communis fruits
Dictionary Definition of Artocarpus Webster's Online

Unripe fruits may be cut up and cooked in stews and soups. Artocarpus communis - Breadfruit, Antipolo, Camansi, Anubing; see also African Breadfruit)
Artocarpus altilis Breadfruit 'Ulu Hawaiian Plants

Synonyms: Artocarpus communis, Sitodium altile. Common Names: Breadfruit, 'Ulu. Plant Characteristics. The fruits were cooked and eaten and sometimes used to make poi.
Artocarpus Factbites

Artocarpus communis - (Native to Pacific islands and having edible fruit with a texture like bread) List of fruits (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-09-08)

Although one species of Artocarpus, the breadnut (A. communis), EDIBLE FRUITS OF THE ARTOCARPUS GENUS. Scientific Name: Common Name: Distribution: A. anisophyllus Miq.
Antimicrobial activities of the methanol extract compounds

and compounds from Artocarpus communis (Moraceae) Victor Kuete1*, Patrick Y Ango2, Ghislain W Fotso3, its edible fruits, is an equatorial lowland species of flow-
Artocarpus camansi breadnut Agroforestry Net -Agroforestry

fruits, seeds and all, are thinly sliced and cooked as a veg etable, especially Artocarpus altilis A. communis A. incisa Common names breadnut (English)
Antimicrobial activities of the methanol extract compounds

Artocarpus communis is used traditionally in Cameroon to treat several ailments, In Cameroon, the fruits of A. communis are used as food;
Kamansi / Artocarpus altilis Philippine Herbal Medicine

Artocarpus communis J,R & G. Forster: Camansi (Bis.) Chaitagnier (France) Fruits, particulary the young ones, are boiled and eaten as a vegetable.
Artocarpus Breadfruit Tree Jaca Jack Fruit Botany

ARTOCARPUS plant identification description, The main kind is A. communis, Egg-shaped fruits that are about 6 inches long,
Breadfruit Artocarpus communis Growing Tropical Plants in Phoenix

Breadfruit (Artocarpus communis): see it and grow it : Previous species. Next Species. Home Page. One to three fruits grow together at the tip of each branch.
Title : Artocarpus communis fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Artocarpus communis fruits Dictionary Definition of Artocarpus Webster's Online Unripe fruits...