Pictures gallery of Kaneelappel fruits
Full text of "Tropical subtropical fruits"

The fruit has a thick, bitter, Sugar-apple (B.W.I.), Kaneelappel, Boe anona (D.), Pomme candle (Fr.), Anon (Sp.), Ata, Pinha, Frula de conde (Braz.).
Kauwgomboomvrucht Dutch English Translation Examples

familie van de broodvrucht[33] Noni, meestal sap[34] Papaya [35] Peanut butter fruit [36] Pequi [37 sterappel [48] Kaneelappel, sirikaja of
Annona Species Fruits that I miss

The fruit is high in calorie content but anon de azucar, anona de castilla, fruta do conde, scopappel, kaneelappel, fan-li-chi, sirkaja, sarikaja, atis
bonsaikingdom Bonsai Kingdom Leading Bonsai portal in the

sweetsop, ati, ates, custard apple, kaneelappel, kaner'apra, fun li chi, pomme canelle, tapotapo, anon yellow. The fruit is avoid or conical, with a
List of fruit names Hein Bijlmakers Home Page

The list includes the names of fruits and names of the fruit trees. Kaneelappel: Annona squamosa: Karambola: Averrhoa carambola: Karambole: Averrhoa carambola: Karkade:
Sugar Apple Purdue University

kaneelappel (Surinam); pomme cannelle (Guadeloupe, French Guiana, French West Africa); In 1978 a new fruit rot of sugar apple was observed in India,
Fruitzaden Seedo aparte zaden zaailingen bloembollen

kaneelappel (NW) €0.13 - €0.18 Arbutus unedo - aarbeiboom (W) €0.09 - €0.15 Averrhoa bilimbi - blimbing, zure blimbing, blimbing asem (NW)
CategoryAnnona squamosa media Commons

Tapotapo · Nederlands: Kaneelappel Fruit of India; Personal tools. Create account; Log in; Namespaces. Category; Discussion; Variants. Views
Our Blog Nipa Hut Gardens Gifts

Surinam - kaneelappel - Guadeloupe, French Guiana, French West Africa The fruits do not really ripen on the older trees but turn black and dry up. Pests
Custard apple abortifacient herb herb inducing abortion Annona

The fruit is round or oval 6-10 cm long and composed of thick rind with knobbed segments which is pale green, bluish Dutch-: Kaneelappel; Chinese-: Fan li zhi;
Title : Kaneelappel fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Kaneelappel fruits Full text of "Tropical subtropical fruits" The fruit has a thick, b...