Pictures gallery of Grosella espinosa fruits
grosella Wiktionary
grosella negra; grosella espinosa Related terms. grosellero; Fruits; es:Berries; Personal tools. Create account; Log in; Namespaces. Entry; Discussion; Variants.
Names of Fruits in Spanish — Spanish Vocabulary
gooseberry — la grosella espinosa grape — la uva Note: Many fruits have local or regional names that may not be understood outside the area.
gooseberry English-Spanish Dictionary WordReference
Principal Translations: gooseberry n (fruit: sour green berry) uva crespa loc nom f : grosella espinosa loc nom f : uva espina loc nom f : grosella silvestre loc nom f
English-Spanish Dictionary Fruits Free Dictionaries for everyone
f grosella espinosa: grape: f uva: grapefruit: f toronja: guava: f guayaba: kiwi: m kiwi: citrus: cítrico: passion fruit: f granadilla: peach: m melocatón: pear: f pera: pineapple: m ananás: plum:
fruit aromas in wine wine pages online wine magazine UK
CITRUS FRUIT Agrume (F) Zitrusfrüchte (G) Agrumi (I) Citricos (S) Uva spina (I) Grosella espinosa (S) Classic varietal character of Sauvignon Blanc,
gooseberry definition of gooseberry by the Free Online
(= fruit) → groseille f à maquereau. gooseberry → كشمش angrešt stikkelsbær Stachelbeere φραγκοστάφυλο grosella espinosa karviaismarja groseille à
General Information about gooseberries Gooseberry site
Spanish : Uva espina, Grosella espinosa Swedish : Krüsbar The fruit had a reputation for its cooling property; an ability to control fevers.
grosella espinosa fruta fabricantes de productos de grosella
Lista de producto de grosella espinosa fruta en spanish.Alibaba – Seleccionar los productos de calidad buena de grosella espinosa fruta desde grandes bases de
grosella English translation – Linguee
grosella espinosa noun, singular, feminine. gooseberry n. grosella roja There are particularly high levels of vitamin C in fruit (e.g. common sea buckthorn
asp example Linq ElementAt Operator How to get the element
{ string[] fruits = { "Fresa", "Feige", "Grosella espinosa", "Jujube", "Kraton", "Longkong" }; string elementAt2 = (from f in fruits
Title : Grosella espinosa fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Grosella espinosa fruits grosella Wiktionary grosella negra; grosella espinosa Related terms. gro...