Pictures gallery of Apfelsine fruits
Orange fruit

The fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish it (literally, "China's apple") and appelsien, or northern German Apfelsine In English

The pomegranate / ˈ p ɒ m ɨ ɡ r æ n ɨ t /, Punica granatum, is a fruit -bearing deciduous shrub or small tree growing between five and eight meters tall. Native
Tropical fruits Orange Hein Bijlmakers Home Page

Apfelsine: Italian: Arancio Arancia : Family: Rutaceae: Order: Sapindales: Origin: Clean the fruits, cut them in half and squeeze them. Add salt and stir well.
German words Fruit vegetables

German Vocabulary - Fruit and Vegetables : Apple Banana Broccoli Cabbage Carrot Corn/maize Grapes Lemon Mushroom die Apfelsine die Ananas die Kartoffel der Kürbis
German Lessons by Kati Fruit

die Orange (die Apfelsine) the fruit salad: der Obstsalat: If you found this site useful, please support my site by making a donation or visiting my sponsors.
German die Apfelsine vs die Orange? Answers

So it doesn't make a difference which word you use to name the fruit. If you call it "Apfelsine", people will appreciate that you know that word, too.
German 2 Vocab Fruits Vegetables flashcards Quizlet

die Orange/Apfelsine: orange: die Birne: pear: die Trauben (pl) grapes: die Wassermelone: watermelon: Vocabulary words for German 2 Vocab Fruits and Vegetables.
Fruit Match the German Words to the Pictures EnchantedLearning

This is a thumbnail of the "Fruit - Match the German Words to the Pictures Ananas/pineapple, Kirschen/cherries, Wassermelone/watermelon, Apfelsine/orange, Birne
Where Will You Dine? Gastronomical Dictionary fruit

Orange/n; Apfelsine/n : Avocado/i : Avocado/s : Avocat/s : Aguacate/s : Avocado/s : Banana/e : Banana/s : Banane/s : Plàtano/s : Fruits secs : Fruta seca : Trockenobst; Dörrobst :
fruit translation German English-German dictionary Reverso Collins

fruit translation german, English - German dictionary, Apfelsine und Mandarine Kreuzung aus Grapefruit, Apfelsine und Mandarine Translation English
Title : Apfelsine fruits
Description : Pictures gallery of Apfelsine fruits Orange fruit The fruit of Citrus sinensis is called sweet orange to distinguish...